How to calculate Jacobians

Suppose we are developing an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for the pendulum:
We have the state vector and prediction step:
We can use symbolic differentiation to calculate the Jacobian for this function.
% declare symbolic variables
syms theta theta_dot deltaT g L m
% leapfrog integration
theta_hat = theta + theta_dot*deltaT - g/(2*L)*sin(theta)*deltaT^2;
f = [theta_hat;
theta_dot - g/(2*L) * (sin(theta) + sin(theta_hat)) * deltaT]
f = 
% calculate the Jacobian with respect to the state vector
x = [theta; theta_dot];
F = jacobian(f, x)
F = 
Hint: Once you have run the code, you can copy the Jacobian matrix as Matlab code by using the "..." button to the right of the output, and selecting "copy".
Another example is the measurement function
Here's how we would ask Matlab for the Jacobian of this function:
% symbolic variables were already declared above so we can just use them
h = [(1/2) * m * (L * theta_dot)^2
m*g*(L - L*cos(theta))];
H = jacobian(h, x)
H = 

Example implementation of the EKF

Specify the parameters:
g = 9.81; % m/s^2
m = 0.3; % kg
L = 0.5; % m
theta_0 = 170 * pi / 180; % initial angle, radians
theta_dot_0 = 0; % initial angular velocity, radians/s
deltaT = 0.05; % s
t_max = 8; % s
time = 0:deltaT:t_max; % time interval for simulation
Find the true solution:
[~,exact] = ode45(@(t,x)[x(2); -g/L * sin(x(1))], time, [theta_0; theta_dot_0]);
exact_theta = exact(:,1);
exact_theta_0 = exact(:,2);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
plot(time, exact_theta);
ylabel('\theta (radians)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Pendulum position');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
plot(time, exact_theta_0);
ylabel('d\theta/dt (rad/s)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Pendulum angular velocity');
linkaxes([ax1 ax2], 'x');
sgtitle('Accurate solution');
Simulate noisy sensors:
% calculate the exact kinetic and potential energy
exact_energy = [(1/2)*m*(L*exact(:,2)).^2, m*g*(L-L*cos(exact(:,1)))];
% generate random numbers with given standard deviations
sigma_KE = 0.1;
sigma_PE = 0.1;
rho = 0.1;
R = [sigma_KE^2 rho*sigma_KE*sigma_PE
rho*sigma_KE*sigma_PE sigma_PE^2];
measurements = mvnrnd(exact_energy, R);
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
plot(time, exact_energy(:,1));
hold on;
plot(time, measurements(:,1), '.');
ylabel('Kinetic energy (J)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Kinetic energy');
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
plot(time, exact_energy(:,2));
hold on;
plot(time, measurements(:,2), '.');
ylabel('Potential energy (J)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Potential energy');
linkaxes([ax1 ax2], 'x');
sgtitle('Noisy sensors');
Run the EKF
% specify the initial condition for each state variable
x = [theta_0; theta_dot_0];
EKF_output = zeros(length(time), length(x)); % preallocate memory
EKF_output(1,:) = x; % fill in the initial condition
% specify initial state covariance
P = [0 0;
0 0];
% specify process covariance
Q = [(0.01 * deltaT)^2 0;
0 (0.01 * deltaT)^2];
for i = 2:length(time)
% give friendly names to each element in the state vector
theta = x(1);
theta_dot = x(2);
% Calculate the jacobian for the prediction step
% This Jacobian was found using the symbolic differentiation above, and
% reformatted into separate lines for readability.
F = [1 - (deltaT^2*g*cos(theta))/(2*L), ...
deltaT; ...
-(deltaT*g*(cos(theta) - cos(theta + deltaT*theta_dot - (deltaT^2*g*sin(theta))/(2*L))*((deltaT^2*g*cos(theta))/(2*L) - 1)))/(2*L), ...
1 - (deltaT^2*g*cos(theta + deltaT*theta_dot - (deltaT^2*g*sin(theta))/(2*L)))/(2*L)];
% calculate the Jacobian for the measurement step
H = [0 m*L*theta_dot
m*g*L*sin(theta) 0];
% state prediction:
x_pred = [theta + deltaT*theta_dot - (deltaT^2*g*sin(theta))/(2*L);
theta_dot - (deltaT*g*(sin(theta + deltaT*theta_dot - (deltaT^2*g*sin(theta))/(2*L)) + sin(theta)))/(2*L)];
% covariance prediction:
P = F*P*F' + Q;
% measurement residual:
% Make sure to use the predicted value of the state when calculating
% this.
theta_pred = x_pred(1);
theta_dot_pred = x_pred(2);
z_pred = [(1/2)*m*(L*theta_dot_pred)^2 % kinetic energy
m*g*(L-L*cos(theta_pred))]; % potential energy
y = measurements(i,:)' - z_pred;
% measurement residual covariance:
S = H*P*H' + R;
% Kalman gain:
K = P*H' / S;
% updated state :
x = x_pred + K*y;
% updated covariance:
P = (eye(2) - K*H) * P;
% save calculated state
EKF_output(i,:) = x;
% Plot the result
ax1 = subplot(2,1,1);
plot(time, exact_theta);
hold on;
% plot(time, measurements(:,1), '.');
plot(time, EKF_output(:,1));
ylabel('\theta (radians)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Pendulum position');
legend({'Exact', 'EKF'})
ax2 = subplot(2,1,2);
plot(time, exact_theta_0);
hold on;
% plot(time, measurements(:,2), '.');
plot(time, EKF_output(:,2));
ylabel('d\theta/dt (rad/s)');
xlabel('Time (seconds)');
title('Pendulum angular velocity');
linkaxes([ax1 ax2], 'x');