EE3300/EE5300 Electronics Applications Portfolio
The portfolio is the final assessment item for this subject. You are required to reflect on your achievements in the subject and suggest the grade that you believe is justified.
Please make sure that you’ve read the assessment section of the subject information before you start on your portfolio.
Indicative levels of achievement
To guide your self-assessment, the following table provides indicative criteria for each grade.
Item | Requirement | HD | D | C | P |
Number of practicals completed | Demonstrate a working circuit and/or simulation as per task sheet | 5 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
Number of quizzes completed | Complete (≥80% questions answered correctly) | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Quiz re-do attempts1 | In total across both quizzes, use no more than | 0 | 1 | 2 | No limit |
Design project | Meets requirements (see task sheet) | Completely (with innovation) | Completely | Nearly | Somewhat |
Design project presentation | Effectiveness of technical communication skills (judged by peer feedback and self-reflection) | Very effective | Effective | Mostly effective | Somewhat effective |
1 If you don’t successfully complete at least 80% of the questions on a quiz, then you must re-do it in your own time and show your revised solution to teaching staff. To ensure academic integrity (i.e. to ensure that you did the work yourself), you will be asked to explain your revised quiz solution. You must be able to justify and explain what you have written down.
How to average across multiple assessment items
If you meet some of the criteria for one grade and some criteria for another grade, then you should consider the overall balance of your achievements. If you don’t know how to start, consider that in a traditional grading system the quizzes might be allocated 50% of the grade, the practicals 10%, with the remaining 40% for the design project. Discuss with the subject coordinator if you are unsure.
Portfolio submission
Instructions: Copy and paste the following template into a document and respond to each section. Refer to the LearnJCU gradebook for official records of practical and quiz completions. In your comments, give context to the numbers, explain any unusual circumstances, discuss what you learned, and give a self-assessment of your skill level.
Word limits: Please be concise. As a general guide, write approximately one paragraph in response to each question.
Student details
Student number: [please insert here]
Name: [please insert here]
Number of practicals completed:
Number of quizzes completed to ≥80% on first attempt:
Number of quizzes completed in total:
Design project
Self-assessment of the technical achievement of the final product relative to the task requirements:
Self-assessment of your engineering process:
Self-assessment of criticality and communication skills:
Self-assessment of your literature review (EE5300 only):
Final grade: Based on my achievements in this subject, I believe I should receive the following grade:
(select one) High Distinction (HD) / Distinction (D) / Credit (C) / Pass (P) / Fail (N)
Explanation: (justify your grade with reference to the requirements in Table 1, the relevant circumstances, your overall achievements across the entire subject and your level of engagement throughout the study period)