EE3901/EE5901 Sensor Technologies Chapter 2 NotesThe Kalman filter
In this chapter we will study an algorithm called the Kalman filter. The Kalman filter is a widely used method to combine information from multiple sensors, especially in dynamic systems where the measurands are continuously changing. The method is named after Rudolf E Kalman who published a key paper in 1960, but similar ideas were also developed by others at around the same time. It became famous because it was used in the Apollo moon landing program. Today, it sees applications in many fields: navigation, aerospace, object tracking, control systems, consumer electronics, and more.
Building your intuition
The essence of the Kalman filter is summarised in Figure 1. In this example, the variable being measured is the position of a robot. The position cannot be known perfectly, so the Kalman filter represents its belief as a Gaussian probability distribution. The spread of the probability distribution indicates the uncertainty in the position.
As shown in the figure, the essence of the Kalman filter is to merge together information from a physics-based model (the prediction step) with information from the real world (the measurement step). This information is merged in such a way that the overall uncertainty is minimised.
A Kalman filter illustrated through the example of a little robot that needs to know its position in the world. (a) Prediction step: The robot predicts where it should be, based on its knowledge of its speed, etc. (b) Measurement step: The robot uses its sensors to measure its location. (c) Update step: The Kalman filter algorithm combines the prediction and the measurement to produce a high quality estimate of position.
Zoom:Why use a prediction step?
You may be tempted to simply rely upon measurements alone. However, there is much to be gained by also incorporating knowledge of the physics of your system. As a human, you can use your intuition to recognise when an apparent measurement doesn’t “seem right”. If you disbelieve a single measurement, your uncertainty may increase, but you won’t necessarily be fooled by measurement noise. The prediction step in the Kalman filter allows a computer system to do a similar thing.
Notice in Figure 1 that the uncertainty in the new position is lower than the uncertainty in the measurement. This is true in general. A Kalman filter produces a better result than simply using the raw measurements alone.
The Kalman filter, by example
We will teach the Kalman filter by starting from a simple example. Our example problem is that of a robot moving along a one dimensional train track. The robot has 2 measurands: position
The position and velocity can change over time, hence the robot must periodically obtain new measurements in order to keep up. Let the time interval between measurements be
At time step
We will also need to define the covariance of the state vector, which we will call
The prediction step
Given the previous state estimate
Of course you can: there is a relationship between position and velocity!
In words, this says that the new position is the old position plus how far we travel during this time step.For velocity, we assume that the new velocity is equal to the old velocity. Of course if you have further knowledge about the physics of the robot, then you could amend these equations. For instance, if you know about the drag or friction forces, you may have a better estimate for the new velocity. However, for now, let’s assume the simplest model where the velocity tends to remain constant. It is fine if the predictive model is not perfect, because the measurement will be used to correct for any small errors.
We can write Eqs.
To predict the new covariance, we use the variance propagation law from last week on Eq.
To recap our progress so far: we have written down a physics-based model of the robot, and used that to write some equations for running our state vector and covariance forward in time.
Control inputs
Our current model says that velocity remains unchanged, but this is not always accurate. For example, the robot might be given a command to accelerate. Our software can see the acceleration command, so we should include that information in our model.
Suppose that our motor controller is generating an acceleration
The last term in Eq.
In general there could be multiple control inputs. Hence we introduce a control vector
This enables us to convert Eq.
As an aside: if you have studied modern control theory, then you should recognise Eq.
Process uncertainty
What if our model is inaccurate? What if there are other random perturbations that we can’t predict, e.g. the robot being pushed by wind or its wheels slipping a bit?
Add some process covariance
The process covariance
Intuitively, this is like walking around blind-folded: in the beginning you know where you are pretty well (small
The only way to reduce the uncertainty is by making a measurement. We will see below how measurements allow us to reduce the state covariance.
Summary of the prediction step
Measurement predictions
Suppose our robot has a GNSS (global navigation satellite system) receiver giving position, an infrared rangefinder giving position, and a wheel encoder giving velocity. Note, here we have 3 sensors, but there are only 2 elements in state vector. Suppose GNSS coordinates are converted to metres but the rangefinder results in are mm.
We can predict what the measurements would be if our state estimate were correct:
This may seem “backwards” to you. We predict the measurements based on the state, instead of the other way around. This is a critical feature of the Kalman filter!
There does not need to be a unique 1:1 relationship between elements in the state vector and the sensors we use. We can have multiple sensors that each measure some function of the state. Mathematically, the measurement matrix
We also have a predicted measurement covariance
The measurement residual
Above we used our model of the system to predict the measurements that we should get, if our state estimation were perfect. However, in reality, the state estimation is probably not perfect.
Let’s finally turn on the robot’s sensors and take some measurements. Suppose the sensors provide some measurements
There is also a covariance in the residual
If the prediction and measurement were perfect then
Update step
Finally we are ready to bring it all together. We have:
- A predicted state
, which we calculated based on the physics of our robot. - A measurement residual, which tells us how much agreement there is between predicted state and the actual sensor readings.
The state estimation will be calculated as follows:
The proof of the Kalman gain
There is one final piece, which is the equation used to produce the final updated state covariance:
The proof of Equations
Show proof of Kalman gain matrix
Proof of the optimal Kalman gain matrix
We start with the definition of the state vector covariance
and substitute
This gives
Since the measurement error is uncorrelated with the other terms, we can split the covariance as follows.
Now use the identity
Recognise that
This gives an equation for the updated state covariance and is the first major result of this proof.
Next we need to find an expression for the Kalman gain
This can be obtained using matrix calculus to solve for
Firstly, take the expression for
Notice that the term in parentheses is the measurement residual
We can evaluate the derivative using the identities in The Matrix Cookbook by Petersen and Pedersen, section 2.5.
Proceeding term by term, we have
Above, we used the fact that the covariance matrices are symmetric.
Adding up the result, we have
From here it is simple to solve for
This is the second major result of this proof. We have found an expression for the “optimal” Kalman gain, where optimal is defined by minimising the sum of the squares of the error.
There is one result still be developed. Substituting
The last equation, which is valid only for the “optimal” Kalman gain given by Eq. (A.3), is the commonly used form for the state covariance update.
Summary of the update step
Example implementation
The outline of a Matlab implementation is shown below.
% Run this code for every time step:
% Prediction step
xhat_prediction = F * xhat;
P_prediction = F * P * F' + Q;
% Get a measurement
z = read_sensors(); % obtain latest sensor data
% Run the update step
y = z - H*xhat_prediction; % measurement residual
S = H*P*H' + R; % measurement residual covariance
K = P * H' / S; % Kalman gain
% Calculate the new state
xhat = xhat_prediction + K*y; % new state vector
P = (eye(2) - K*H)*P_prediction; % new covariance
Click here to download the complete Matlab source code. The output from this program is shown in Figure 2. Notice how the Kalman filter produces a high quality position estimate despite the extremely noisy sensors.
The implemented Kalman filter for the scenario developed in these notes.
Zoom:Implementation hints
- To design a Kalman filter you need to determine the system matrices
, , , etc. Often these are independent of time, in which case the subscript can be dropped. - Once all those matrices have been determined, you end up with a system of equations that you can simply enter into a computer.
- The Kalman gain is written as if it contains a matrix inverse, but in Matlab, you should not use
to calculate it. You should use the mrdivide (/
) operator instead. This is because explicit matrix inverses are always a bad idea. - In some cases you might have measurements arriving at different rates, for instance, a GNSS receiver may be quite slow in comparison to an on-board accelerometer. In this scenario, there are several options:
- Use some interpolation scheme to fill in the gaps between slow sensors, to pretend that you have data from all sensors at every time step; or
- Write a different measurement matrix for the scenario where only some of the sensors are reporting data. You can still perform the update step using partial sensor data.
- Often the process covariance is not obvious. There are several strategies that you can consider.
- If your system is tracking position and velocity, then the main source of error will be accelerations (changes in velocity) that you did not predict. You could treat unknown accelerations as a random variable with expected value of 0 but some assumed or measured variance. You could then propagate this variance through to the state vector update, in much the same way as you did in Self-check Quiz 3.4.
- If you truly have no idea about what are the sources of error, a plausible starting point is a diagonal matrix: Then you can use a trial-and-error approach to adjust the variances
until the filter achieves good performance. You might consider choosing each to be proportional to and consider how much standard deviation you expect to accumulate per second.
Recap of the Kalman filter
Let’s remind ourselves of the structure of the Kalman filter, so we can consider how to extend it for the case of non-linear systems.
To design a Kalman filter, you must determine:
- Which variables go into the state vector
. - Which variables go into the control vector
. - Which variables go into the measurement vector
. - The prediction matrix
, which describes how the state vector tends to evolve over time. - The control matrix
, which describes how the state vector is perturbed by control inputs. - The process covariance
, which describes the growth in the uncertainty in the predicted state. - The measurement matrix
, which gives the mapping from state vector to measurements. - The measurement covariance
, which is the covariance in the measurements.
The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
The classical Kalman filter uses a prediction model of the form
However, what if the system dynamics cannot be expressed as a matrix of numbers? Suppose instead we have some arbitrary function
How can we develop a Kalman filter for such a system?
Deriving the EKF
The key insight is as follows. There is no particular reason that the prediction step must be matrix multiplication. If we know that some arbitrary function
The EKF modifies the prediction step to read:
Similarly the measurement step can be updated to read:
A further insight: the state covariance and measurement covariance
can be calculated using the error propagation laws. Recall from week 2 that
we have
We will use the following notation. Let
which is the same equation as for the linear Kalman filter, except
Similarly the measurement residual covariance is:
Again the equation is the same, except that
All other parts of the filter can remain the same.
Intuitively, the extended Kalman filter is simply finding a linear
model that best matches the non-linear functions
The extended Kalman filter is not necessarily an optimal estimator, in the sense that the linear Kalman filter is mathematically proven to minimise the sum of squares of the error for linear systems. If the system state is linear then the EKF reduces to the normal Kalman filter, in which case it is optimal. For non-linear systems, the optimality cannot be guaranteed. However, in practice the EKF often works well.
Example of an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
Suppose that you want to track the motion of a pendulum (Figure 3).
A pendulum of mass
Define the state vector
By analysing the forces, we can write the differential equations that describe this state:
This is our physics model, which we will now use to develop an Extended Kalman Filter.
The prediction model
We must convert our system of continuous differential equations
Applying the leapfrog method to Eqs.
This is our prediction model, which says how to step the state vector forward in time.
Recall that the EKF relies upon linearising the prediction model around the current operating point. In other words, we need the Jacobian of
To reduce the risk of a mistake, it is recommended that you use a computer algebra system to calculate the derivatives. The provided Matlab code shows you how to automatically find Jacobians.
The resulting Jacobian, copy-pasted from the provided Matlab code, is:
Suppose that the measurement actually records the kinetic and potential energy, i.e. a non-linear function of the state.
Again we need a Jacobian matrix
EKF example code
Refer to the attached Matlab script for a complete working example.
Implementation notes
A few points to note:
- The Jacobian matrices
and vary with each time step so you must re-calculate them inside your loop. - You will typically need to tune the process covariance to get good results. Essentially you are trading off how much the filter believes the prediction vs how much it believes the measurement. As with the linear Kalman filter, a diagonal matrix with standard deviation proportional to the time step is a plausible starting point in the absence of a more detailed error model.
The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
The UKF is another method for estimating a non-linear process. Its key advantage is that it does not require the computation of Jacobians. Hence it can be applied to models that are non-differentiable (for example arbitrary computer code, or models containing with discontinuous functions where derivatives would be undefined).
The key idea is that instead of propagating just the state vector
The Unscented Transform
The Unscented Transform solves this problem: given some calculation
The steps are as follows:
First define some parameters: let
where chol
Next, expand the vector
where +
and -
because that is the behaviour of those operators.) The matrix
Each column of
Transform each sigma point through the function to produce a new matrix
where each column of
We will construct the outputs
Form vectors by concatenating these weights
Note that other definitions of the weights are also possible. Different
authors use different weights. A necessary constraint is that
Then the expected value of the output is given by:
The covariance is given by
where .*
Applying the Unscented Transform to the Kalman filter
Prediction step
Given the previous state
Propagate the sigma points through the prediction model
Following the Unscented Transform, use
Finally add in the process covariance to
Measurement step
If the measurement is a linear function of the state, then you can use the normal Kalman filter from this point forwards.
If your measurement model is non-linear, then apply the Unscented Transform a second time to propagate the predicted state through the measurement model. Define a new set of sigma points based on the predicted state and predicted covariance. Then propagate these through the measurement model:
Reconstruct the predicted measurements
the measurement residual
and the measurement residual covariance
Update step
If the measurement model is linear, use the standard Kalman filter update step. Otherwise, proceed as below.
The update step needs a slight adjustment because there is no measurement matrix to easily link measurement space and state space. Instead we can use the cross-correlation between state and measurement:
The Kalman gain in this case is
The updated state and covariance are given by
Example of an Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)
Refer to the attached Matlab script for a complete working example.
Implementation notes
The initial state covariance cannot be 0 because Cholesky factorisation is only defined for positive definite matrices (those with positive eigenvalues). This is true for any legitimate covariance matrix. If the Cholesky factorisation throws an error then most likely your prediction model is diverging or you have made a mistake in the equations.
A major advantage of the UKF is the ability to handle sophisticated prediction models where derivatives are impossible or unreasonable to compute. For example, your prediction model could be an entire computer program. All you need to do is run each of the sigma points through your prediction model and you can thereby use it in your Kalman filter.
The Kalman filter is a method of estimating the state of a system in the presence of sensor noise. It uses a predictive model of the system’s dynamics as well as measurement data to produce a high quality result.
Clarence W. de Silva, Sensor Systems: Fundamental and Applications, CRC Press, 2017, Chapter 7.