EE3901/EE5901 Sensor Technologies


Please refer to the JCU timetable for the schedule. Attendance at all classes is mandatory.

Start here: Subject details

WeekCourse materialPracticalAssessment
1Introduction to sensors and measurement uncertaintyStart Assignment 1
2Sensor fusion and the Kalman filter 💻Prac 1: assignment help
3Resistive sensorsPrac 2: strain gaugesAssignment 1 due (Friday 5pm)
4Capacitive sensors and their signal conditioning circuits 💻Prac 3: capacitive sensorsQuiz 1

Start Assignment 2
5Inductive and magnetic sensors

Piezoelectric sensors and accelerometers
Prac 4: eddy current sensors

Prac 5: accelerometers
Probable deadline for submitting designs to workshop
6Self-generating sensors: thermocouples and photodiodes

Light sensors and applications to NIR spectroscopy 💻

Prac 6: near-infrared spectroscopy
Quiz 2
7Assignment 2 due

💻 Weeks indicated with this symbol have software exercises, typically in Matlab. Please bring a laptop to class if you have one.


ItemDetailsWeightingDue date
PracticalsBinary mark (1 or 0) for each assessed practical10%Report due one week after each assessed practical
Assignment 1Marked on the basis of your submitted report and data20%Week 3, Friday 5pm
Assignment 2Marked on the basis of your presentation20%Week 7, (date tbd)
Quiz 1Theory exam. Similar to tutorial questions20%During Week 4 tutorial
Quiz 2Theory exam. Similar to tutorial questions30%During Week 6 tutorial

Subject materials